Friday, July 25, 2008

The 30 Greatest Battles of World War II

The 30 Greatest Battles of World War II

Battles are ranked by a combination of Importance in the outcome of World War II, Amount of Men and Materials committed to the Battle, Intensity of Fighting and Casualties and Losses incurred in Men and Materials.

1.) Battle of Kursk (July 5, 1943 to July 13, 1943) Germany launches its 3rd Summer Offensive against the Russians and its last. The largest Tank Battle ever fought in History. German aim to capture 66 Soviet Divisions fails as the Battle becomes a battle of attrition. Germany accepts a tactical draw and withdraws. Germany lost 100,000 killed/wounded/captured and Soviet Union lost 250,000 killed and 600,000 wounded and the destruction of 50% of their tanks.

2.) Battle of Prussia (June 22, 1944 to August 16, 1944) Soviet Union launches the greatest offensive in human history. Its aim is to destroy 100 German Divisions guarding Prussia and Poland. Hitler does not give the order for the Massive German Army Center to withdraw and the Army is totally destroyed. Germany lost 800,000 killed/wounded/captured and Soviet Union lost 1,300,000 killed and wounded. This was the greatest disaster to befall on the German Army in World War II.

3.) Battle of Stalingrad (August 23, 1942 to February 2, 1943) The Bloodiest battle ever fought in history and the greatest urban battle ever fought. The biggest defeat on the German Army since the war began. Germany lost 300,000 killed/wounded/captured and Soviet Union lost 1,200,000 killed.

4.) Battle of Vistula (January 12, 1945 to March 30, 1945) The Soviets launch the Biggest offensive of World War II even bigger than their Summer offensive 6 months ago. The German Army guarding the Vistula River is totally destroyed and a massive German army retreats to the final defenses around Berlin. Germany lost 500,000 killed/wounded/captured and Soviet Union lost 600,000 killed and wounded.

5.) Battle of Berlin (April 16, 1945 to May 7, 1945) The 2nd most fierce urban warfare battle. Germany lost 200,000 killed and over 200,000 civilians killed and Soviet Union lost 600,000 men killed and wounded.

6.) Battle of Normandy (June 6, 1944 to July 24, 1944) The Invasion of Western Europe by the Allied forces. Germany lost 216,000 men killed/wounded/captured and Allies lost 209,000 killed/wounded/captured.

7.) Battle of Moscow (November 17, 1941 to January 28, 1942) The German attack to capture the city fails due to Soviet counter offensives and severe winter storms which paralyzes the German Army. Germany lost 200,000 men killed/wounded/captured and Soviet Union lost 700,000 killed/wounded/captured.

8.) Battle of Ardennes (December 16, 1944 to January 28, 1945) The last great German offensive in World War II. Germany lost 100,000 killed and USA lost 81,000 killed/wounded/captured and 1,400 British losses.

9.) Battle of Atlantic (September 1, 1939 to June 6, 1944) The longest Battle of World War II in which German Submarines tried to sink supply ships going to England and Soviet Union. The Battle peaked in 1942 but slowly German Submarines were subdued. Germany lost 50,000 Naval Officers and Allies lost 50,000 Merchant and Sailors.

10.) Battle of Britain (July 10, 1940 to October 31, 1940) The largest Air Battle in History. Germany aim to crush the RAF before Invasion of England fails. Germany loses 3,000 Pilots and England loses 1,800 Pilots as well as 20,000 British Civilians are killed.

11.) Battle of France (May 10, 1940 to June 22, 1940) The German invasion of France through Belgium and Holland completely catches the French Army off guard. The ill-prepared British and Belgium army are totally defeated by the German Armored Divisions. The British Army evacuates from Dunkirk leaving the French to fend for them. The Bulk of the French Army is deployed on the German border and is unable to move to counter the German Army coming through the Belgium border. France loses 350,000 Men killed and wounded, England loses 100,000 men killed/wounded/captured with 40,000 prisoners taken at Dunkirk and Germany loses 100,000 men killed and wounded.

12.) Battle of Midway (June 4, 1942 to June 7, 1942) The Greatest Air Craft Carrier Battle in History. Japanese attempt to threaten Hawaii by invading the island of Midway ends in total disaster. They lose 4 Air Craft Carriers and USA loses 1. Japan lost 3,500 Sailors and USA loses 500. This was Japan?s final offensive in the Pacific War and after this it?s Navy will only be used in Defensive operations.

13.) Battle of Leyte Gulf (October 22, 1944 to October 25, 1944) The Largest Naval Battle in History. Japan?s attempt to destroy US transport ships carrying troops and supplies to the Philippines ends in total destruction of the Japanese Navy. Japan loses over 10,000 Sailors and USA around 2,000 half of them dying on the American Air Craft Carrier St. Lo, from a Kamikaze Attack.

14.) Battle of Imphal (March 6, 1944 to June 22, 1944) Japan?s attempt to Invade India ends in its greatest Land defeat. The Best Army troops in the Japanese Army with a force of 120,000 men tried to break through at the Indian city of Imphal. British and Indian troops fought the most intense Urban Battle in the war against Japan on par with Stalingrad and Berlin. In the end, 30,000 British and Indian soldiers are killed and wounded and 80,000 Japanese troops die.

15.) Battle of Okinawa (April 1, 1945 to June 16, 1945) The Last Battle of World War II and the bloodiest battle in the Pacific War. USA attempt to use Okinawa as a stepping stone for the Invasion of Japan. Japan lost 120,000 soldiers defending the Island and 100,000 Japanese civilians also die. USA had 58,000 Casualties.

16.) Battle of Chang-te (November 2, 1943 to November 17, 1943) The Bloodiest Battle between the Japanese and Chinese in World War II. The battle was to determine who controlled the Chinese Rice Bowl in the Hunan Province. China lost over 300,000 Soldiers and 100,000 Civilians died. Japan lost 60,000 Soldiers. Despite these heavy losses, China continued to fight as the over extended Japanese slowly began to retreat.

17.) Battle of Kirovograd (January 5, 1944 to January 17, 1945) The Soviet Winter offensive after the Battle of Kursk the previous summer. The German defeat in this battle caused the Soviets to re-take the Ukraine and the Crimean peninsula. Germany lost 100,000 killed/wounded/captured and Soviet Union lost 400,000 killed and wounded.

18.) Battle of Poland (September 1, 1939 to September 29, 1939) The ill-equipped Polish Army was no match for the German and Russian invasion forces. Poland was portioned between the Germans and Russians. Germany lost 10,000 troops with 3,000 being killed and Poland lost 100,000 Soldiers killed and wounded.

19.) Battle of Burma (March 19, 1945 to May 1, 1945) The Japanese defeat at the Battle of Burma ended the Japanese threat to India and paved the way for the allies to supply China through Burma. This was the last Battle that the British Army was involved in World War II. Japan lost 40,000 Soldiers and Allied forces lost 6,000 men.

20.) Battle of Philippines (October 20, 1944 to March 3, 1945) The battle ended after the fall of Manila in very Heavy Street fighting reminiscent of Warsaw. Japan lost nearly 150,000 Soldiers and killed 200,000 Pilipino civilians and 100,000 in Manila alone. USA had 30,000 casualties in the Invasion and conquest of the Philippines.

21.) Battle of Guadalcanal (August 7, 1942 to March 6, 1943) One of the largest Naval, Marine, and Army engagements in the Pacific War. This was one of the longest Battle in the Pacific War. Japanese defeat at Guadalcanal ended the Japanese dominance in the South Pacific. Japan lost 70,000 Men killed/wounded/captured and the Americans suffered 30,000 Casualties with 10,000 being killed.

22.) Battle of Anzio (January 23, 1944 to May 25, 1944) Allied attempt to the end stalemate in Italy fails in Battle of Anzio. The American forces are trapped for 4 months in this pocket until troops break through the German defenses in Italy and link up with Anzio. Anzio was perhaps the biggest Allied blunder in World War II. Germany lost 100,000 killed/wounded/captured. The Allies lost 135,000 killed/wounded/captured.

23.) Battle of El Alamein (October 23, 1942 to November 3, 1942) The defeat of the German Army in Egypt signaled the end of Axis Empire in North Africa. Germany and Italy lost 60,000 Troops with 30,000 being taken prisoner. The British Empire lost 25,000 Men being killed or wounded.

24.) Battle of Tunisia (February 14, 1943 to May 12, 1943) The cornered German and Italian Forces in Tunisia launch a final attack against the Americans at Kasserine Pass which defeated the US forces. The Americans soon recovered and began a gradual retreat of German forces back to the Sea. The Allied forces had 45,000 Casualties in their conquest of Tunisia with 10,000 killed. Germany and Italy lost 300,000 Troops with 275,000 being taken prisoner and 25,000 being killed and injured.

25.) Battle of Seelow Heights (April 10, 1945 to April 15, 1945) The last German defense before Berlin. Germany lost 80,000 killed/wounded/captured and Soviet Union lost 200,000 killed and wounded.

26.) Battle of Iwo Jima (February 19, 1945 to March 25, 1945) The most intense and bloody and compact battle in the Pacific War. With over 100,000 US Soldiers fighting 25,000 Japanese on a small Island. In the end, USA had 30,000 Casualties and Japan had 20,000.

27.) Battle of Manchuria (August 8, 1945 to August 16, 1945) The Soviet Union after defeating Germany declares war on Japan and launches a massive attack on the Japanese Troops in the Chinese province of Manchuria. Russians suffer 5,000 casualties and 300,000 Japanese troops taken prisoner.

28.) Battle of Singapore (February 10, 1942 to February 15, 1942) The Biggest defeat in British Military History. Singapore an impenetrable fortress falls in 5 days. Japan lost 5,000 men taking the City but 25,000 British and Commonwealth Troops surrender. This signaled the beginning of the end of the British Empire.

29.) Battle of Warsaw (August 1, 1944 to October 2, 1944) The uprising of the Polish Home Army against the Germans. The Germans brutally crush the uprising as the Russian Army standing outside the gates of Warsaw looked on. 50,000 Poles lost their lives and 3,000 German Soldiers died.

30.) Battle of Saipan (June 15, 1944 to July 9, 1944) One of the fiercest Island Battles in the War in the Pacific. This was the last line of Defense for the Japanese before the Philippines and Japan it self. Japan lost 30,000 Soldiers and 10,000 Civilians and USA had 15,000 Casualties with 4,000 Dead.

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