Tuesday, January 02, 2018

18 Questions for 2018

1. Will Equity volatility rise?
2. Will yield on US 10Y Treasury break above its range (1.50%-2.40%)?
3. Will we see wage growth in the US?
4. Will US$ index break below its key support, 91?
5. Will crude crude oil reverse its 2H17 gains?
7. Will natural gas bear market end?
7. Will rally in gold continue and price exceed $1,400?
8. Will Financials lead lead the equity market?
9. Will China growth slow down significantly, below 6%?
10. Will Bitcoin craze fade away?

11. Will President Trump fire Mueller?
12. Will Democrats take over both the House and the Senate?
13. Will North Korean tension escalate?
14. Will Iran-Saudi cold war turn hot and/or Will there be a 3rd Israel-Hezbollah war?
15. Will Russian intervention in Ukraine increase?
16. Will China raise stake in the South China Sea?
17. Will Italian election on March 4 regenerate existential crisis for the Euro Area?
18. Will UK successfully navigate Brexit negotiation?

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